Kydex Magazine Holder

From $33.99 From: $33.99

These magazine carriers are designed to allow you to carry one magazine vertically inside or outside the waistband for either hand shooter.

The retention is adjustable and the bottom of the carrier is square so a magazine can be inserted with the bullets facing either direction.

The clip is ABS plastic and the carrier is made of one piece of .080 Kydex



The Kydex Magazine Holder carries one magazine vertically inside or outside the waistband for either hand shooter.

  • Adjustable retention
  • Magazine fits with forward or rearward facing bullets.
  • Belt clip is plastic
  • The holder has adjustable retention. You can tighten or loosen the screws and flexible spacers easily with a screwdriver.
  • The standard width for all of our kydex is .080 inches. It is exceptionally strong while remaining lightweight.
  • The custom manufacturing process takes at least 2-3 weeks for delivery, sometimes a bit longer if demand is high. We assure you, the quality fit is well worth the wait!

Please contact [email protected] if you do not see your gun model or preferred kydex color or because you have any other questions.

The Kydex Magazine Holder makes a great compliment to the Comfort Series – OWB Kydex Holster!


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We know there are a lot of options when it comes to buying holsters and other firearms related accessories. Thank you for your interest in our little company. Here are just a few reasons why you should buy from Athena’s Armory:

  • Athena’s Armory is a husband and wife tag team duo of awesomeness!
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  • Both of us carry everyday and are firearms instructors as well. Consequently, we only sell products that actually work for everyday personal defense!
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Black, Carbon Fiber Black, Chocolate Brown, Desert Tan, Gunmetal Grey, Light Grey, Neon Pink

Gun Model

Glock 43, Glock 43 w/ CT Laser Red, Glock 43 w/ CT Laser Green, Glock 43 w/ arma laser, Glock 43 w/ Lasermax Glock 43 w/ TLR-6, 1911 3" Compact, 1911 3.3" Compact, Sig Sauer (Square Slide), 1911 4", 1911 5", 1911 5" w/Rail, 1911 5" Sig Sauer (Square Slide), 1911 5" Sig Scorpion w/rail (Square Slide), Beretta Pico, Beretta Nano, Beretta Nano w/CT Laser (LG-483), Beretta Nano w/LaserMax, Beretta PX4 Storm 9 Sub Compact, Beretta PX4 Storm 40 Sub Compact, Beretta PX4 Storm 9 Compact, Beretta PX4 Storm 40 Compact, Beretta PX4 Storm 9 Full size, Beretta PX4 Storm 40 Full size, Beretta PX4 Storm 45ACP, Bersa Thunder 380, Bersa Thunder CC 380, Bersa Thunder 9 Pro UC, Bersa Thunder BP9CC, Boberg XR9L, Boberg XR9S, Charter Arms Pink Lady, Colt Pocketlite 380, CZ P-07 Duty, CZ P-07 (New for 2014), CZ P-09, CZ SP01, Diamondbac​k DB380, Diamondbac​k DB9, Diamondbac​k DB9FS, EAA SAR B6P 3.8", EAA SAR B6P 4.5", FNH FNP 9, FNH FNP 40, FNH FN FIVE-SEVEN, FNH FNX Tactical, FNH FNS 9, FNH FNS 9C, FNH FNS 40, FNS 9/40 5", Glock 17, Glock 22, Glock 31, Glock 17 w/CT Laser (LG-452) green, Glock 22 w/CT Laser (LG-452) green, Glock 31 w/CT Laser (LG-452) green, Glock 19, Glock 23, Glock 32, Glock 19 w/CT Laser (LG-436), Glock 23 w/CT Laser (LG-436), Glock 32 w/CT Laser (LG-436), Glock 19 w/CT Laser (LG-452)gr​een, Glock 23 w/CT Laser (LG-452)gr​een, Glock 32 w/CT Laser (LG-452)gr​een, Glock 20, Glock 21, Glock 21SF, Glock 20 w/rail, Glock 21 w/rail, Glock 26, Glock 27, Glock 33, Glock 26 w/CT Laser (LG-436), Glock 27 w/CT Laser (LG-436), Glock 33 w/CT Laser (LG-436), Glock 29, Glock 30, Glock 30SF, Glock 30S, Glock 34, Glock 35, Glock 34 w/ CT Laser (LG-452), Glock 35 w/ CT Laser (LG-452), Glock 36, Glock 36 w/CT Laser (LG-436), Glock 37, Glock 41, Glock 42, Glock 9, Glock 40, Glock 357, Glock 45H&K 45, H&K 45C, H&K P2000, H&K P2000sk (Compact), H&K P30S 9, H&K P30S 40, H&K P7, H&K USP 9, H&K USP 40, H&K USP 9 Compact, H&K USP 40 Compact, H&K USP 45, H&K USP 45C, H&K USP Tactical .45, H&K VP9, Kahr CM9, Kahr PM9, Kahr PM9 w/CT Laser (LG-437), Kahr CM9 w/CT Laser (LG-437), Kahr CM40, Kahr PM40, Kahr PM 40 w/CT Laser(LG-4​37), Kahr PM 40 w/CT Laser(LG-4​37), Kahr CW40, Kahr P40, Kahr CW40 w/CT Laser (LG-437), Kahr P40 w/CT Laser (LG-437), Kahr CW45, Kahr CW9, Kahr P9, Kahr CW9 w/CT Laser (LG-437), Kahr P9 w/CT Laser (LG-437), Kahr CW380, Kahr P380, Kahr CW380 w/CT Laser, Kahr P380 w/CT Laser, Kahr PM45, KelTec P3AT, KelTec P3AT, KelTec P32 w/CT Laser, KelTec P3AT w/CT Laser, KelTec PF9, KelTec PF9 w/CT Laser, Keltec PMR-30, Kimber Micro CDP (.380), Kimber Solo, Kimber Solo w/CT Laser Grips, Ruger LC9, Ruger 380 LC9S, Ruger LC9 w/CT Laser, Ruger 380 LC9S w/CT Laser, Ruger LC9 w/LaserMax, Ruger 380 LC9S w/LaserMax, Ruger LCP, Ruger LCP w/CT Laser, Ruger LCP w/LaserLyt​e, Ruger LCP w/LaserMax, Ruger LCR, Ruger LCR w/ Crimson Trace Laser Grips, Ruger LCR w/ Lasermax Laser, Ruger SR22, Ruger SR40, Ruger SR40C, Ruger SR40C w/CT LaserGuard, Ruger SR45, Ruger SR9, Ruger SR9C, Ruger SR9C w/CT LaserGuard, S&W BodyGuard 380 w/Laser, S&W BodyGuard 380 No Laser, S&W J Frame Revolver, S&W M&P 22 Compact, S&W M&P 45, S&W M&P 45C, S&W M&P 9 (With Safety), S&W M&P 40 (With Safety), S&W M&P 9 (With Safety), S&W M&P 40C (With Safety), S&W M&P 9(No Safety), S&W M&P 40C (No Safety), S&W M&P Full Size 9 (With Safety), S&W M&P Full Size 40 (With Safety), S&W M&P Full Size 9(No Safety), S&W M&P Full Size 40 (No Safety), S&W M&P Shield 9, S&W M&P Shield 40, S&W M&P Shield 9 w/CT Laser, S&W M&P Shield 40 w/CT Laser, S&W M&P Shield 9 w/LaserLyt​e, S&W M&P Shield 40 w/LaserLyt​e, S&W M&P Shield 9 w/LaserMax, S&W M&P Shield 40 w/LaserMax, S&W Sigma SW40VE, S&W Sigma SW9​VE, Sccy CPX1/2, Sccy CPX1/2 w/Armalase​r TR10, Sccy w/Lasermax, Sig Sauer Mosquito, Sig Sauer P2022, Sig Sauer 2022 w/Rail, Sig Sauer P224, Sig Sauer P220, Sig Sauer P226, Sig Sauer P220 w/Rail (Mk25 will fit), Sig Sauer P226 w/Rail (Mk25 will fit), Sig Sauer P227, Sig Sauer P227 SAS, Sig Sauer P228, Sig Sauer P229, Sig Sauer P228 w/rail, Sig Sauer P229 w/rail, Sig Sauer P232, Sig Sauer P238, Sig Sauer P238 w/CT Laser (LG-492), Sig Sauer P238 w/Factory Laser, Sig Sauer P239, Sig Sauer P250, Sig Sauer P250 Compact, Sig Sauer P250 HYBRID (Bobbed Frame), Sig Sauer P250 Pro, Sig Sauer P250 Subcompact, Sig Sauer P290, Sig Sauer P320 Compact, Sig Sauer P938, Sig Sauer P938 w/CT Laser (LG 492), Sig Sauer P938 w/Factory Laser, Springfiel​d EMP 9, Springfiel​d EMP 40, Springfiel​d Micro Compact 45, Springfield XD Mod 2.0 Subcompact 9 (3"), Springfield XD Mod 2.0 Subcompact 40 (3"), Springfield XD Mod 2.0 Subcompact 45ACP (3.3"), Springfiel​d XD 45, Springfiel​d XD 45 w/CT Laser (LG-448), Springfiel​d XD 9 Service (4"), Springfiel​d XD 40 Service (4"), Springfiel​d XD 9 Service (4") w/CT Laser (LG-448), Springfiel​d XD 40 Service (4") w/CT Laser (LG-448), Springfiel​d XD 9 SubCompact (3"), Springfiel​d XD 40 SubCompact (3"), Springfiel​d XD 9 SubCompact (3") w/CT Laser (LG-448), Springfiel​d XD 40 SubCompact (3") w/CT Laser (LG-448), Springfiel​d XD Tactical (5"), Springfiel​d XD 9, Tactical w/CT Laser (LG-448) 5", Springfiel​d XD 40, Tactical w/CT Laser (LG-448) 5", Springfiel​d XDm 3.8 9, Springfiel​d XDm 3.8 40, Springfiel​d XDm 3.8 45, Springfiel​d XDm 3.8 9 w/CT LaserGuard, Springfiel​d XDm 3.8 40 w/CT LaserGuard, Springfiel​d XDm 3.8 45 w/CT LaserGuard, Springfiel​d XDm 4.5 9, Springfiel​d XDm 4.5 40, Springfiel​d XDm 4.5 45, Springfiel​d XDm 4.5 9 w/CT LaserGuard, Springfiel​d XDm 4.5 40 w/CT LaserGuard, Springfiel​d XDm 4.5 45 w/CT LaserGuard, Springfiel​d XDm 5.25 9, Springfiel​d XDm 5.25 40, Springfiel​d XDm 5.25 45, Springfiel​d XDS 9 3.3, Springfiel​d XDS 45 3.3, Springfiel​d XDS 9 3.3 w/CT Laser (LG-469), Springfiel​d XDS 45 3.3 w/CT Laser (LG-469), Springfiel​d XDS 9 4.0, Springfield XDS 45 4.0, Springfiel​d XDS 9 4.0 w/CT Laser, Springfiled XDS 45 4.0 w/ CT Laser, Taurus PT-111 G1, Taurus PT-111 G2, Taurus PT-140 Pro, Taurus PT-709 Slim, Taurus PT-740 Slim, Taurus TCP, Taurus TCP w/CT Laser, Walther P22, Walther PK380, Walther PPK, Walther PPK/S, Walther PPQ M1, Walther PPQ M2, Walther PPS 9, Walther PPS 40

Belt Clip

FOMI 1.5", FOMI1.75", UltiClip 3 (for no belt) +$10

Magazine Size

.380 Single Stack, 9mm Single Stack, 45 ACP Single Stack, 9/40/357 Double Stack, 45 ACP 10mm Double Stack, M&P Shield 9/40, Glock 36, Glock 42, Glock 43

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