
Ankle Holster Wrap – Sticky Ankle Biter

Original price was: $39.99.Current price is: $34.99.

This Sticky Ankle Wrap will work in conjunction with any small holster, however we recommend using it with an inside-the-waistband Sticky Holster or the Sticky Kydex Holster.  The wrap holds your holster against your ankle or calf using compression and friction.  This wrap is great for wearing with skirts or loose bottomed pants!  It allows you to keep one holster for every outfit in your closet!




This Ankle Holster wrap is versatile and will work with any small holster, especially the Sticky Holster.

Product Features:

  • The ankle holster wrap is one size fits all.
  • Position the wrap for right or left draw.
  • Your gun angle is adjustable.
  • The wrap features commercial grade Velcro. It secures your holster and firearm in place.
  • The “sticky” yet comfortable lining helps hold your firearm against your leg.
  • This wrap is versatile and works in conjunction with any small holster you already own. We recommend the IWB Sticky Holster.


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Gun Model

1911 3”, 1911 4”, 1911 5”, Accu-Tek AT-380II, Accu Tek HC-380, AMT .380 Backup, AMT 9mm, AMT 400, AMT 40, AMT 38, AMT Super, AMT 45 Back Up, Beretta Bobcat, Beretta Tomcat, Beretta Px4 Storm Sub-Compact, Beretta Px4 Compact, Beretta Px4 Storm Full Size 9, Beretta Px4 Storm Full Size 40, Beretta Px4 Storm Full Size 45, Beretta Nano, Bersa Thunder 380, Bersa CC, Bersa Thunder 9mm, Bersa Thunder 40, Bersa Thunder 45, Bersa Thunder 9mm HC, Bersa Thunder 40HC, Cobra C22, Cobra C22M, Cobra C25, Cobra C32, Cobra CA32, Cobra CA380, Cobra CB22, Cobra CB32M, Cobra CB38, Cobra CB380, Cobra CB9, Cobra CLB22, Cobra CLB38, Cobra CLB9, Colt Defender 3”, Colt M1991A1 3.5”, Colt Govt 1911 5”, Colt Mustang, Diamondback DB380, Diamondback DB9, FN 357, FN FNP Series, FM 5.7, Glock 23, Glock 27, Glock 28, Glock 29, Glock 33, Glock 36, Glock 39, Glock 19, Glock 23, Glock 25, Glock 30, Glock 30s, Glock 32, Glock 38, Glock 17, Glock 29, Glock 21, Glock 22, Glock 31, Glock 34, Glock 35, Glock 37, Glock 42, Hi-Point CF-380, Hi-Point C-9, Hi-Point 40SW-B, Hi-Point 45 ACP, HK P30, HK P2000, HK SK, HK USP Comp, HK P30L, HK USP, HK Tactical, HK P7, InterArms EPK, I.O. Inc. Hellcat, Jimenez JA 22, Jimenez JA 25, JA 380, Kahr P380 Series, Kahr PM9, Kahr 40, Kahr CM9, Kahr CM40, Kahr CW, Kahr P9, Kahr 40, Kahr 45, Kel Tec P32, Kel Tec P3AT, Kel Tec PF9, Kel Tec P11, Kel TecP40, NAA Guardian, NAA 22Mag, NAA Pug 1, Magnum Research Micro Desert Eagle, Magnum Research 9mm (Steel Frame), Magnum Research Baby Eagle, Mauser 9mm, Mauser 380, Rohrbaugh 308, Rohrbaugh 308s, Rohrbaugh R9, Rohrbaugh R9s, Ruger LCP 380, Ruger LC9, Ruger LC380, Ruger SR9C, Ruger SR22, Ruger SR40c, Ruger LR, Ruger P345, Ruger p944, Ruger P95, SCCY CPX-1, SCCY CPX-2, Seecamp LWS32, Seecamp LWS38, Sig Sauer P238, Sig Sauer P230, Sig Sauer P232, Sig Sauer P938, Sig Sauer P290, Sig Sauer P239, Sig Sauer P229, Sig Sauer 250 Comp, Sig Sauer P220, Sig Sauer P226, Sig Sauer P228, Sig Sauer P250 Full, S&W Bodyguard 380, S&W Shield, S&W J-Frame 2.5”, S&W M&P Compact, S&W M&P 3913, S&W M&P 5904, S&W M&P Full, Springfield XDS 3.3, Springfield XDS 4.0, Springfield XD Compact, Springfield XDM Compact 3.8, Springfield XD Full, Springfield XDM Full 4.5”, Taurus 738 TCP 380, Taurus 22, Taurus 25, Taurus 709 Slim, Taurus 708, Taurus 740, Taurus PT, Taurus Millennium Pro, Taurus 1911 5”, Taurus Millennium 145, Taurus Millennium 745, Taurus Judge Public Defender, Taurus Judge 3”, Walther PPS 9, Walther PPS40, Walther P22, Walther PK380, Walther PPK, Walther PPKS, Walther PPQ, Walther PPX, Walther P99

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