Why Choose Us For Training?

“Sara is an excellent, thorough, and conscientious instructor – I’d work with her anytime.”  Don Larson, President – Frontline Firearms Training

Your choices for defensive firearm training are varied. From bare-bones one-shot gun show classes to tactical classes at shooting ranges and everything in between. How do you know what is right for you?

At Athena’s Armory Defensive Training, we provide thorough and conscientious defensive firearms training for average citizens in a comfortable environment. Many times our classes are held on-location at private homes, clubhouses, or hotels for small groups of friends or families who are interested in personal protection. Specifically, you should choose us because we strive to be:

1. Qualified & Safe – We are certified by the National Rifle Association in each discipline we teach as well as being certified as Chief Range Safety Officers. In addition, we consistently train with some of the best instructors in the country to both maintain and increase our own skill level. You can be sure that we understand our subject matter and make safety our top priority.
2. Comprehensive – We will cover all of the most important information, including: safety, operation, ammunition, shooting fundamentals, malfunctions, cleaning, storage, gear, and legal topics. Our instructors want to answer all of your questions and ensure you leave with the knowledge and skills you want (and paid for…!)
3. Ego-less – We are humble students as well and leave our egos at home. Our success as instructors depends most heavily on our attitude and our willingness to understand what you want from the class.
4. Practical – We are not former military or law enforcement and thus approach our instruction from the standpoint of an average citizen. We understand that many women, families, and/or seniors have different needs with respect to personal protection.
5. Your Local Partner – We live and work in southwest Florida because we love the area and the people (and the beaches!) We try to be active in the community and appreciate the support we get from you! We like to develop the relationship so you feel comfortable coming to us for further training, advice on gear selection, or with any questions you have as you continue your journey into personal defense with a firearm.

